Switzerland 2019

During my roadtrip through Switzerland, this destination was on the top of my list – the largest glacier of the Alps. I started my hike at 3am to make sure to get there in time for sunrise. When I arrived at my spot, all I could do is to stand in awe. Just in front of me, with 23km the longest and largest glacier of the Alps bewitched me with all its beauty, its peaks slowly being lit by the sun that rose to my right and - following the extension of the glacier to my left – a view all the way down to Mt. Weißhorn.

In moments like these, I dive with all my senses into this masterpiece called nature, with goose bumps all over my body and a dizzy mind. Pure satisfaction. Endless happiness. Soon, however, sadness and wistfulness overcome me considering the seemingly inevitable process of shrinking that is happening not only to this giant but to all the glacier beauties on our planet.